How to tell if my tree is dying?

As professional tree surgeons, we often encounter homeowners who are uncertain about the health of their trees. Trees add beauty and value to our properties, but they can also become a potential hazard if not properly monitored and cared for. Recognising the signs of a dying tree early can save both the tree and prevent possible damage to your property. So, what should you look out for?

1. Fewer Leaves Than Normal

A healthy tree will typically have a full canopy of leaves. If you notice a significant reduction in leaves, especially outside of the normal shedding season, it could be an indication of a problem.

2. Brittle Branches and Lack of Leaves

Branches that snap easily or no longer have any leaves are strong signs of a dead or dying tree. This can result from disease, pest infestation, or extreme weather conditions. Inspect your tree’s branches regularly to check for these symptoms.

3. Bark Damage

Healthy bark is an essential part of a tree’s wellbeing. Cracks, holes, and peeling bark can be signs of internal decay or disease. If you see these signs, it’s important to get in touch with a professional tree surgeon, as it may be an indication of a more severe underlying issue.

4. Fungi Growth

Mushrooms or other fungi growing on the trunk or branches could be a sign that your tree is in trouble. Fungi often feed on dead or decaying material, so their presence may mean that your tree is dying.

5. Leaning to One Side

A tree that leans heavily to one side could be indicative of a weakened root system. Disease, decay, or physical damage to the roots can cause this. A leaning tree is particularly dangerous as it may fall without warning, causing serious harm or damage.

The Potential Impact of a Dead or Dying Tree

A dying tree not only affects the aesthetic of your landscape but can also pose serious risks. Weak or dead trees are more susceptible to falling during storms or even under normal conditions. This can lead to property damage, injury, or even loss of life.

Additionally, diseases affecting one tree can spread to other nearby trees, leading to a more widespread problem.

If you suspect that a tree on your property may be dying or dead, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.  Acting early can save the tree, or if it is beyond saving, safely remove it before it becomes a hazard. It can also be more cost-effective, to avoid any emergency call-outs.

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